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My purpose and intrinsic WHY is to unleash the full potential of Sales and Marketing Leaders and their teams, to inspire and to build high performance and aligned Sales and Marketing Teams, to trigger collective shifts in change-mindset and behaviour, encourage creativity and innovation and lead for change. It inspires me to see the sparkle in the eyes of people when they get in touch with their own designated purpose. I believe that in every person there is a great and magical potential. I am convinced that organizations and the world will be a better place if leaders change with 'hard' and 'soft' stuff, find their unique potential and have the courage to live up to it. 

I combine state-of-the-art practices and tools, I work intuitively by using myself-as-an-instrument, add a clinical lens to assess visible and hidden dynamics to bring these elements to live within a corporate context. The 'hard' and 'soft' stuff need to dance together: attention need to be paid to the 'sum' as well to the 'parts', the head and the heart, the body, mind and spirit are intimately linked together. And as a Masai proverb says so beautifully 'A zebra takes it stripes everywhere'. 

The heart of my work is in designing and facilitating transformational change in sales and marketing on the road to Commercial Excellence. I bring result-orientation and focus with a disarming attitude and with empathy. I create a safe and reflective environment that encourages open and honest dialogues, and create tipping points for leaders, executives and teams. I coach for transition, as coaching is not about what is wrong, but what will be next! 

I am your trusted partner for discussing your road to Commercial Excellence. 

People would call me an international oriented sales marketer or a marketing orientated sales person. 

A passionate trusted advisor in the commercial environment, authentic, intuitive, dedicated, profound and analytic but always practical and focussed with the end in mind, with room for a touch of humour and playfulness, high energetic and enthusiastic with an international and change mindset, are some traits which would describe me. 

I am a keen listener and as I am curious by nature asking the right questions is my second nature. 

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"The greatest difficulty in the world is not for people to accept new ideas, but to make them forget old ideas"

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